NADT would like to welcome our newest Corporate Sponsor Pennsylvania Deer Farmer Association (PADFA)


 PADFA statement-

Over the past ten year we have striven to provide educational opportunities for our members through the sharing of informative information, to educate the general public and others about our growing cervid industry.We also have a collective voice in our state’s capitol of Harrisburg, Pa in governmental and other issues that may benefit or adversely affect the cervid industry.The PDFA always puts forth the promotion of the highest ethical standards in the care, handling, and harvesting of Pennsylvania’s cervids.In closing we insist that our membership operate legal, honest, and forthright operations in conjunction with fellow members, cervid producers and the general public.The PDFA will continue to work diligently to improve our great cervid industry within our state and expand opportunities’ for its membership to prosper in the future.


Cervid Solutions-

Fall is an excellent time to start a vaccination program or continue with the one you have.

Why a health management plan through Cervid Solutions;

-Custom set up for your farm

– Management techniques to increase herd health

– We work with your vet and develop systems best suited for your region and your farm

-Our experience and observations can help you save time and money


Sign up for our CSM program– SAVE money and access exclusive content.



Farm update from RED RIDGE WHITETAILS-

Antler infections-

What to do and how to spot

Partial shedding of velvet

Separation from the other animals

Ear position

Activities outside the group, ie. feed, grazing etc.

The best way to remove velvet ( pressure washer)


Main topic- AI Work


—To sex or not– Northern Markets assesment

Prepping for AI and saving some money

-Feed requirements for adult Does

-Weaning time

-CIDR in and out times

-Bam and MK usage